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100+ reviews on the various social media platform.

Karan Tiwari

I have recently been to DoaR’s volunteer induction, and I must admit that the work that this organization has been doing is truly remarkable. Plus they are so genuine and transparent in their approach and process.
Also, they are working really hard and on the field on various fields of education and community development for the underprivileged.
I look forward to join them and I urge all who look forward to contribute their time, to do the same. Read Karan’s review on Google

Varsha Malik

Donate an Hour-DoaR India has such a strong base and pure intention to really work for the kids.

I like the concept.
I love #Meenakshi Ma’am # Divya Prakash sir to think so self measly, to work with so much pure love and hard work.

Just donate your one hour voluntarily for others good which help us also to have our inner peace.

Love more live more

Varsha Malik on Facebook

Ashi Goyal

wonderful concept and would recommend further so that more volunteers come forward to Donate an Hour -DoaR India

Ashi Goyal on Facebook

Disha Singh

Raise hands if you wasted your weekend sitting at home! You could have donated that one precious hour here!?
Join to prevent further delay! Vo kehte hai na shubh kaam me deri kesi!  Disha Singh on Facebook

Vijit Mathur

Great initiative. I have been personally associated with them and can vouch for the positive impact that they are creating in the lives of so many children.

Vijit Mathur on Facebook

Manu Shrivastava

If you want to work with an NGO then this place is the best. Prompt replies and simple process. They are working effortlessly for the betterment of society.

Manu Shrivastava on Facebook

Vrishti Hasija

Donate an Hour is one of the best places to work at for upliftment of underprivileged children.

I was associated with DoaR for quite some time and had to leave only because of personal reasons.

The best part about DoaR is how attached Divya and all the volunteers are with all the children. There is always a sense of personal attachment at DoaR with all the children.

I would highly recommend to join DoaR If you are willing to help in the uplifting of underprivileged sections of the society.

I would myself love to join them back if ever possible.

Vrishti Hasija on Facebook

Stuart Walker

I am truly privileged to be part of DoaR, supporting and mentoring children. Meenakshi and Divya have created something truly special.

Stuart Walker on Facebook

Abhijeet Anand

I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Divya Prakash, the philanthropist man driving this initiative recently, and must express that his vision is broad and humble. The explorer academy appears a fit for purpose program to affect the lives of children from disadvantaged background positively and have a long term fulfilling impact. I wish him all the best in the initiatives.

Rakesh Kumar  Paliwal (Principal Commissioner at income Tax)

Mr. Rakesh Kumar Paliwal mentioned about Donate an Hour in his autobiography series on Facebook.

गांव से महानगर : उबड़ खाबड़ सफर
आत्मकथ्य सा संस्मरण – 229

रंगीला खेड़ला गांव, मीनाक्षी सिंह, दिव्य प्रकाश, योगेश डाबरा और रुबीना खान:

योगेश डाबरा कस्टम विभाग से रिटायर्ड होकर गुड़गांव में बस गए ऐसे शालीन अधिकारी हैं जिनसे दोस्ती की शुरुआत फेसबुक पर हुई थी।धीरे धीरे यह मित्रता आत्मीय मित्रता में तब्दील हो गई।फेसबुक पर बहुत से फेक(नकली और कथनी और करनी में धरती आसमान का अंतर वाले) लोग भी हैं लेकिन फेसबुक की इस अर्धसत्य दुनिया में योगेश डाबरा जैसे व्यक्ति भी हैं जिनकी उपस्थिति इस माध्यम को बहुत विश्वसनीय, कारगर और रचनात्मक बनाती है।
डाबरा जी बहुत मिलनसार, उर्दू शायरी के जबरदस्त जानकार और अत्यंत सह्रदय व्यक्ति होने के साथ साथ समाजसेवा के कई कामों से भी जुड़े हैं और अभी भी इस तरह के अवसर खोजते रहते हैं।मेरा कभी कभार दिल्ली जाना होता है।दिल्ली प्रवास में हमारी यह कोशिश रहती है कि चाहे एयरपोर्ट की लाउंज में चाय पीने के लिए ही सही कुछ समय चुराकर मिल तो लेते ही हैं।
डाबरा जी के माध्यम से ही मीनाक्षी सिंह और दिव्य प्रकाश दम्पत्ति से मुलाकात हुई और उनके समाजसेवी काम देखने का अवसर मिला।यह दम्पत्ति सॉफ्टवेयर इंजीनियर हैं और गुड़गांव की प्राइवेट कम्पनी में अच्छा खासा जॉब करते हैं।इसी दौरान इनके मन में यह भाव जगा की गुड़गांव की झुग्गिबस्तियों और गुड़गांव से चालिसेक किलोमीटर दूर हरियाणा के नूह जिले के गांवों में शिक्षा और विशेष रूप से महिला शिक्षा की स्थिति बहुत खराब है।इन हालात में कुछ सकारात्मक करने के लिए इन्होंने गुड़गांव की कम्पनियों में कार्यरत युवाओं को साथ लेकर “डोनेट एन आवर” कार्यक्रम शुरू किया है।
“डोनेट एन आवर” विचार शिक्षित युवाओं के बीच खूब लोकप्रिय हुआ।धीरे धीरे मीनाक्षी की मेहनत रंग लाई और इसी से रंगीला खेड़ला के अभिनव प्रोजेक्ट का जन्म हुआ।डोनेट एन आवर में युवाओं को प्रतिदिन एक घण्टा समाजसेवी कार्य के लिए निकालने के लिए प्रेरित किया जाता है जिससे युवा अपने समाज के पीछे छूटे वंचित वर्ग के कल्याण के लिए कुछ योगदान दे सकें।यह एक ऐसा आदर्श अभियान है जिसे पूरे देश में युवाओं के बीच लोकप्रिय किए जाने की जरूरत है।सुब्बाराव जी भी अक्सर यही नारा दोहराते हैं – एक घण्टा देह को एक घण्टा देश को।देह के लिए खेल, व्यायाम और योग आदि और देश के लिए किसी रचनात्मक समाजसेवी कार्य में सहभागिता।
हरियाणा के नूह जिले का खेड़ला गांव भी देश के अन्य पिछड़े गांवों जैसा ही है।इस गांव में अभी भी पर्दा प्रथा है।यहां तक कि साठ पैंसठ साल की महिलाओं को भी गांव की गलियों में लम्बा घूंघट निकाल कर चलना पड़ता है।गांव में बालिका शिक्षा के प्रति उदासीन रवैया है और गलियों में गंदगी तो जैसे भारत के गांवों की विशिष्ट पहचान बन गई है।ऐसे गांव में विकास की अलख जगाने के लिए मीनाक्षी सिंह जैसे अथक प्रयासों और अदम्य जज्बे की जरूरत पड़ती है।
मेरा भी अनुभव कहता है कि जब भी कोई व्यक्ति पक्के इरादे से कुछ रचनात्मक कार्य करने के लिए बाहर कदम बढ़ाता है तो धीरे धीरे बहुत से समान सोच के लोग जुड़ते जाते हैं और शीघ्र ही एक सुंदर कारवाँ बन जाता है।मीनाक्षी सिंह के साथ भी यही हुआ।ग्राम प्रधान की प्रगतिशीलता के कारण और गांव की कुछ वरिष्ठ महिलाओं और बच्चियों के उत्साह से सबसे पहले गांव की गलियों को साफ और सुंदर बनाने के लिए घरों की दीवारों पर रंगीन चित्रकारी बनाने का काम शुरू किया।गांव के लोगों और मीनाक्षी सिंह के साथियों के सतत प्रयास से खेड़ला गांव रंगीला(हर घर की बाहरी दीवार पर उकेरी रंगीन चित्रकारी से) हो गया है।इस काम में उन्हें सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता रोबिना खान का भी विशेष सहयोग रहा है।
डोनेट एन आवर समूह युवाओं की ऊर्जा से लबरेज समूह है।गांव को सुंदर बनाने के बाद अब यह समूह इस गांव को विश्व के पर्यटन मानचित्र पर लाने के लिए यहां विविध रचनात्मक कार्य करने की योजना बना रहा है।इसी आयोजन के उदघाटन समारोह के लिए डाबरा जी के अनुरोध पर मुझे इस समूह का बेहतरीन काम देखने का मौका मिला था।इन युवाओं का यह काम प्रशंसनीय है और देश के सभी युवाओं के लिए अनुकरणीय भी है।

Rakesh Kumar Paliwal on Facebook

Pawan Mehta

Donate an Hour, have something unique then other like, they ask for time not money for under-privileged and the other unique thing I like about this organisation is make the community capable and habitual of doing their work (i.e cleanliness of sounding), simply don’t believe in spoon-feeding.
Regarding child education, doing great using unorthodox learning techniques, they are not only focused on education but also on other aspects of child (overall development).

Pawan on Facebook

Shilpi Shristy

This organisation is SPECIAL, not just because they don’t ask money from you but your dedication, time and commitment, but also because they work on the building block of future.. Education… It’s been privilege working with them

Shilpi on Facebook

Ashwani Dabra

Amazing people silently working with loud noise of good work for the society . If you want to feel proud just donate time to this type of organization

Ashwani on Facebook

Parul Chandra

Met Divya Prakash last weekend to understand his ideology of starting DoaR. To build a sustainable ecosystem of education for young minds so that all stakeholders understand importance of education for kids of all ages and continue even without our support. Best part they don’t accept any donation from anyone. Just few hours of your time to shape future minds. It feels so satisfying when we touch innocent lives with a hope that they will shine in different fields someday.

Parul on Facebook

Preeti Ahuja

This organisation aims to provide education to underprivileged kids from slums. I am a working professional like most of the volunteers here and Monday’s used to be just another start to the week. But ever since I have joined DoaR , I feel I have achieved something positive over the weekend. I am glad I am contributing to the society through this NGO.

Preeti on Facebook

Priyasha Chakrabartty

“Give a man a fish,u feed him for a day; teach him how to fish and u feed him for his lifetime”- a japanese saying
A wonderful organization with a vision i completely believe it..education is the only way out of all our problems..lets join hands and do as much as possible..

Priyasha on Facebook

Snigdha Garg

The joy of spreading education is all together a different feeling of happiness & satisfaction, requesting all New once to participate in DoaR India actively and in full of spirit. Remember always ‘the roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet’ and just donate an hour.

Snigdha on Facebook

Richa Agarwal

“If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around..”

And this is what we believe in.. Each and every child has the right to education.. One cannot defy education on the basis of caste or creed or class.. And as we are the privileged and blessed ones..we should never forget there are so many beautiful eyes who see the dream of becoming big.. doing something in their lives.. If a son of a businessman is not a businessman himself, why do we presume that the son of an auto rickshaw wala will be an auto rickshaw wala as well.. why can’t he be an officer or an engineer? I guess all that these kids need is a push from our side..once their education journey starts they do not look back.. And all that we educated people have to do is take out one selfless hour out of our 24 hrs and make a difference.. You never know what impact you may have on the future of these kids.. Yes we blame poverty, we blame their living conditions, we blame their ignorance..but do we blame our ignorance?? How many of us ask our helping hand at our house if their children go to school? All we care about is they do not take an off.. We.. as the future of our country need to bring a change and set an example for our gen next..

Charity begins at home..

Please come forward and help us.. help us bring a change.. help us fulfill their dreams.. help us make a better tomorrow.. nd help yourself be a better person to look at in the mirror at the end of the day..

Richa on Facebook

Sonal Jharkharia

It is an amazing experience working with Donate an hour. The low cost and effective structure of the organisation makes it easily viable to various centres. We have indulged in medical sector apart from the educational sector which is a beneficial step ahead for the society. It is great to work with self motivated and like minded people for a noble cause.

Sonal on Facebook

Tamanna Chawla

After reading about number of NGOs in Gurgaon I finally landed on DoaRs website.
DoaR asks for your most valuable asset – TIME to donate.
Anyone can help with money but what underprivileged kids needs more is your time. A very few hours of yours can shape these kids.

We at DoaR not only help these kids with bookish knowledge but also helps them to face day today’s challenges.

If you are really looking to do something for your society- do reach out to any of DoaRs Center and feel the change.it!

Tamanna on Facebook

Praneeta Nehra

Really an experience to cherish and be a part of. Looking forward to it!

Praneeta on Facebook

Nupur Mishra

I am working with DoaR for 8 months now, frankly it has been a amazing experience. Can’t express the enthusiasm of the people in the group or unique ways we are trying to address basic issues.

Nupur on Facebook

Harshpreet Kaur

Guys we all have money. But we owe a lot to our society/God according to our belief system. We have to give back to society something other than money……..one smile, one helping hand, few moments of love and care, and a very small chunk of the massive education that we hoarded in our minds for years….Cheers to Donate an Hour!!! Kudos to volunteers doing all this everyday!!

Harshpreet on Facebook

Anjali Grover

Joy of giving education is beyond words !! Love being part of the drive..request to all the young blood come forward and donate your one hour to teach these bright kids !!

Anjali on Facebook