about us

Togather to build and ecosystem


We aim for building a self sustainable ecsystem for the growth of underprivileged to reinforce the hope among them to join the main stream of society.

core values


People bring change

Time donation

Persistent time donation bring change


Building an ecosystem for growth


Being respectful

June 2014


Since June 2014 with One volunteer

Donate an Hour started with 3 children in a flat of sector 45 Gurugram and soon it shifted to the nearest park and many volunteers joined the organisation.

Jun 2014

The concept coined in 2014

Mar 2015

Donate an Hour registered as a trust

Dec 2018
Tax exempt

80G & 12A


Donate an Hour is a volunteering platform. Here people from diverse backgrounds and different walks of society, join together with the aim of giving it back to the society. This is a registered trust since 2015 where a large number of less privileged people are getting benefit from the services and the number is growing!
Donate an Hour’s work is unique in the sense that it involves professionals, intellectuals and in general all those people who have the potential to contribute by giving a portion of their life to shape lives of underprivileged section. We believe that without participation at the ground level and just donating money will not bring any significant change at any level.
We as a team have learned that money is essential and at the same time easiest thing to be donated but it’s the time bestowed by us that is paramount in bringing a metamorphosis in society. Hence, our motto is, “Donate time to shape lives”


While government is spending billions to provide the education to the economically weaker section, the quality of the education has been dismal and not up to the mark. Children who are about to leave primary schools cannot even read properly. There is a big gap in the class they are enrolled and their knowledge. It is primarily due to lack of after school support system (i.e. parental guidance, lack of space and improper environment for study etc.), which is generally available to a child with educated parents. This ultimately leads to higher dropouts at primary and secondary schools which in turn increases the chances of child labour and less productive adulthood. We intend to bridge this gap by providing the children the much needed after school support, which is much underestimated but an extremely important aspect of nurturing a child’s career.

Education and health go hand in hand. Most of the slums in urban areas & backward villages are lack of government healthcare support as most of such areas go unplanned and become unauthorised colonies and don’t get government’s support for even primary healthcare. Eventually such areas are dominated by quacks because private hospitals generally don’t entertain poor patients. DoaR’s healthcare initiative is an efforts to provide affordable healthcare in urban slums where government primary healthcare services are unavailable.

solution we offer

We created a platform where professionals can come together, after their working hours to donate time to work towards building self sustanable  ecosystem for growth of underpriviledged.


100+ Reviews on the facebook

I have recently been to DoaR’s volunteer induction, and I must admit that the work that this organization has been doing is truly remarkable. Plus they are so genuine and transparent in their approach and process.

Also, they are working really hard and on the field on various fields of education and community development for the underprivileged.
I look forward to join them and I urge all who look forward to contribute their time, to do the same. Read Karan’s review on Google
Karan Tiwari
From India

I am truly privileged to be part of DoaR, supporting and mentoring children. Meenakshi and Divya have created something truly special.

Stuart Walker on Facebook
Stuart Walker
From Britain

Guys we all have money. But we owe a lot to our society/God according to our belief system. We have to give back to society something other than money……..one smile, one helping hand, few moments of love and care, and a very small chunk of the massive education that we hoarded in our minds for years….Cheers to Donate an Hour!!! Kudos to volunteers doing all this everyday!!

Harshpreet Kaur
From Singapore

Yes we blame poverty, we blame their living conditions, we blame their ignorance..but do we blame our ignorance?? How many of us ask our helping hand at our house if their children go to school? All we care about is they do not take an off.. We.. as the future of our country need to bring a change and set an example for our gen next..

Charity begins at home..

Please come forward and help and help yourself be a better person to look at in the mirror at the end of the day..

Richa on Facebook
Richa Aggarwal
From Australia



We believe that social work is taken by only those who cross the boundaries of selfishness and that’s why we choose to remain 100% volunteer based organisation.
DoaR India is run by volunteers, we don’t have salaried positions, no designation and and no manager culture but we work as a team. Here everyone is special and equally participating in DoaR functions.

The DoaRians

Volunteers own Donate an Hour

Founder & Trustee

Meenakshi Singh

She initiated the concept of time donation after her office hours. She is actively managing DoaR since June 2014.

Divya Prakash

He is the co-founder of Donate an Hour. He has resigned from his profession and joined full time since April 2018. 


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